Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Handmade Crochet Items 2013

Lately I have been taking in the hobby of making crochet items. Here are a few of the things I've made during the year 2013  ... You is welcomed to contact me if you would like me to personally make any items for you.  And as always, if you like my work, leave a comment at the bottom. Much Appreciated.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feb 18th update...

The painting is coming along great. Had to stop to watch Whitney Houston's funeral, however I ended up missing the whole beginging and middle and only caught the end. So now I'm off to search the web for vids of the parts I missed while I was painting.

What I did on Feb 18th...

It's the day of painting, today!!

So I brought these canvas last week, about 7 of them. All different sizes. I woke up with the thought of writing more on my novel "Behind Love's Bars" and then do a little on my baby dolls. But after taking a trip to Hobby Lobby and finally pushing my self to buy an easel. When I got back home I decided to try out my new easel....

Sooo, now my plans have changed. The book and baby dolls have to wait. I'm in the painting mood now.

May not look like much now but wait until tomorrow when I post the finished pic.

Friday, February 17, 2012


      This past week I have been so motivated to do more with my writings.

      For those who know me, they all know how talented I am. There are a lot of things I do not know how to do, but yet so many things I can do. One reason why I am so talented is because I tell myself "There is nothing I can't do, just things I have refused to do". If ever there is something I like, eventually I try my hardest to achieve it. If I can't be done the original way, I find my own way to achieve it.

      Art was my first love and in school, my art teachers pushed me because they saw my gift before I could even see it. Til today, I still show love for my drawings, paintings, etc. Although my time has been limited, I still find a way to make time for my artistic side.

        Writing became my second love. I discovered a joy for writing novels at age 11. It took me 7 years to become published. In the beginning, I knew nothing about getting published. But after years of researching and writing...and re-writing, I gained a little knowledge. And for those who are already writers, you know that one never knows everything there is to know about publishing. The learning process goes on.

        Although I may loose myself in the middle of all my talents. I still stay motivated.

       In 2008, I was motivated to write. In 2010 I was more focused on the birth of my 3rd child. In 2011, I put my jewelry making skills to test on eBay. Now, In 2012, I'm back to being motivated about my writings.

        I have revised "So Much In Love...Addicted" and given it a new cover. Now available on I have re-edited "Feel How I Feel" it also is now available on with a lowered price of $5 per copy. And I am currently working on my 3rd and 4th novels, "Behind Love's Bars" and "The Sweetest Thing".

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

From my collection...

This is a piece of artwork from my personal collection.
I do not have a title for it yet but it tend to be my favorite as I spent more time on details to give the rose petals texture.
The vases and border is my least favorite part of the painting... I could've spent more time making it better. One day, I plan to fix these minor errors.